Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Meaning of the Hebrew Symbol Chai

One of the best known Hebrew symbols is the two-letter Hebrew word Chai (חי).  The Chai might be the best known among all Hebrew symbols. Chai is actually a Hebrew word that has transformed into a virtual sign. In this article we will discuss the meaning of this famous Jewish moif.

Chai is its most familiar spelling, but it has also been spelled Hai and pronounced “xai”.  Its meaning in Hebrew means “life”, which is demonstrated in a number of ways.

Chai in Gematria

The Gematria, or the system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase, adds up the values of the letters to relate to its word.  The value of the Hebrew letters Heth and Yud are combined to equal the number 18.  Eighteen is considered a spiritual or lucky number in Jewish tradition.  Money or gifts for Bar Mitvah and wedding bonds are given in multiples of 18, often referred to as “giving chai”.  Donations to Jewish charities are suggested in multiples of chai, or 18, rather than the charities who ask for multiples of 10 or 25. 

The word Chai in the Hebrew Language

Chai is a root word for many words in Hebrew.  For one, it is related to the word Chaya, which means “living thing” or “animal”.  Chaya and Chaim are popular female and male names respectively in Hebrew.  Chava, which also comes from the same root as chai, is the Hebrew name for biblical Eve. 

Life is important in Judaism and is sacred in its traditions.  It is also used in the slogan “Am Israel Chai!”, which means “The nation of Israel lives!”  All Jews will toast “l’ chaim”, or “to life”, as part of a celebration such as holidays, birthdays, and weddings, to name a few.

 Mezuzah pendant featuring the Chai symbol.

 The Chai symbol is common in jewelry pieces, especially for many Jewish people in all parts of the world.  Chai pendants and necklaces are often worn around the neck.  It is thought to be a virtue for protection.

In the images you can see several example to contemporary Jewish jewelry for men women featuring the famous symbol.

Chai disc pendant with Star of David